Media Interviews

Thursday 29 August 2024

The Top Brandit Posts for 2024 - Branding, Writing, Speaking, Sales, Body Language, MORE

Learning, stories, insite, practical information - even entertainment! 

The official last weekend of summer makes me sad but also glad. I’m sad that summer is over, but glad for all the fall's new beginnings.

Whether in the mountains, at the lake, in a prairie campground, on an ocean beach, or relaxing in your backyard, this is for you. I’ve selected the top Brandit Blogs from the past year for your reading pleasure.

Deep Seated Love

I write and speak about branding, marketing and communications because I love helping people! In fact, I can truly say helping others is a major reason I get up in the morning. Another would be breakfast, but that’s another story.

My annual ‘Best of Post’ links to the most popular articles I’ve written this past year. Posts are chosen based on readership analytics, timeliness, and reader comments.

Continue to Grow

I try to include a mix of Brandit topics about social media, marketing, brand-building, the latest trends, and relationships. This year I will write several posts explaining Artificial Intelligence.  It’s not as complicated as you think.

Top 10 Posts

Below are the most-read Brandit posts of 2023-2024 for you to enjoy once again. While reader numbers are gratifying, I love the personal conversations they bring through telephone calls, emails, or comments below the post.

I also receive personal comments during business meetings and social occasions, which is cool. The conversation usually gravitates to how to blog and analytics in particular.