Thursday 29 August 2024

The Top Brandit Posts for 2024 - Branding, Writing, Speaking, Sales, Body Language, MORE

Learning, stories, insite, practical information - even entertainment! 

The official last weekend of summer makes me sad but also glad. I’m sad that summer is over, but glad for all the fall's new beginnings.

Whether in the mountains, at the lake, in a prairie campground, on an ocean beach, or relaxing in your backyard, this is for you. I’ve selected the top Brandit Blogs from the past year for your reading pleasure.

Deep Seated Love

I write and speak about branding, marketing and communications because I love helping people! In fact, I can truly say helping others is a major reason I get up in the morning. Another would be breakfast, but that’s another story.

My annual ‘Best of Post’ links to the most popular articles I’ve written this past year. Posts are chosen based on readership analytics, timeliness, and reader comments.

Continue to Grow

I try to include a mix of Brandit topics about social media, marketing, brand-building, the latest trends, and relationships. This year I will write several posts explaining Artificial Intelligence.  It’s not as complicated as you think.

Top 10 Posts

Below are the most-read Brandit posts of 2023-2024 for you to enjoy once again. While reader numbers are gratifying, I love the personal conversations they bring through telephone calls, emails, or comments below the post.

I also receive personal comments during business meetings and social occasions, which is cool. The conversation usually gravitates to how to blog and analytics in particular.

Top 5 Countries

I love skimming through the analytics reports after each post. I can see who opened each email and who didn't. Blogger provides deeper analysis, such as the geographic regions where readers live.

After I publish an article, I wait a week to review the numbers as not all people read their posts on the day it is published. Since launching the Brandit With Robyn in 2014, 277,205 have viewed my posts. 

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • United Kingdom

If you’re not a Brandit Follower and are reading this after linking from a social media post, please sign up! I promise not to overwhelm you with a gazillion emails. 

Top 10 Posts

Master the Art of Writing for an Online Audience

Writing online content requires a different approach than writing for essays, reports, magazines or newspapers. Make your emails, social media, and other online writing engaging and easier to read. 


Script Options for Successful Speakers

As every speaker knows, the path to speaking success is paved with hours of preparation. I outline several script options that will make you sound like a pro!


How to Write Speeches That Move People!

Whether you need to write a 1-hr. speech or a 2-minute announcement, my tips will help improve the engagement level of your audience while reducing your stress levels.


Storm Warning! RAT Rain May be in the Forecast

I wrote this post on a whim the day the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup. It immediately attracted many readers. As an avid hockey fan, I was surprised so many did not know the origins of the rat legend. Fans throw plastic rats on the ice after Panther wins! However, if you’re a fan of rats, do not read this.


Look Good, Sound Good, and Be Good on Video Calls!

COVID forced people to communicate virtually. We saw those who talked too fast, too slow, or froze and didn’t talk at all! The speaker was rattled! 

Gestures were frenetic. Or, they stared wistfully at some distant planet that was not aligned with the camera.  

The coup de grâce came as the speaker reached for a glass of water and promptly spilled it. While the spill happened off-camera, the sound of the speaker's shrieking curses startled the audience. The lasting image of them frantically leaping up to shake the water off their notes and half-eaten sandwich was chilling. 


You, too, can be a Garage Sale Guru! Tips for Garage Sale Success

I wrote this four years ago, and the readership continues to grow! It has generated TV and radio interviews and stories in newspapers.

My wife and I love garage sales and are true junkies. We’ve also produced giant sales for ourselves and organizations. The post contains tips, tricks, and strategies that will help you make more money!


Body Language - Do You Know What Your Body is Saying?

I am known as a Body Language analyst of leaders in TV political debates. I’ve done interviews with television and radio stations across the country. When I speak about it, I include examples of debates gone wrong.

You don’t need to be an expert to note the problems for Joe Biden during the Biden-Trump debate in June. It is the most momentous debate of all-time. Which candidates will emerge victorious from the Harris-Trump or J.D. Vance-Walz debates? Stay tuned!


Sold is Not a Four Letter Word. Open Doors to Sales Success!

Wherever you are reading this, look around. Everything you see is made of products that someone sold to someone else. 

Sales are the fuel that drives the business engine. Without revenue, well, you know the ending, and it's not pretty.

Anyone who interacts with people, whether a salesperson, business owner, communicator, or related professional, will find this interesting.


Why a Media Release

Last week, a senior executive of a major not-for-profit organization approached me about media release strategies. My coaching worked and produced a TV interview!

A media release is perfect for promoting company news, new product announcements, or other big ideas!

The purpose of a well-crafted media release is to get the attention of newspaper or magazine editors, TV assignment editors or talk radio producers or program hosts. 

What about social media? Check out my tips for online marketing There is much, much more! 


How is Your Brand Performing in a Tough Economy

When economies are threatened by political turbulence, international trade uncertainty, natural disasters or the threat of war, it's time to assess the strength of your brand.

This post helps you focus on your original dream! Is it as vivid today as it was when you first dreamt it? Has your vision changed, or does it need to be adjusted?


The End

Wrapping it Up

Has this post helped you?  Do you have stories from your experience with sponsorship? I'd love to hear from you. Please share in the comment section below. 



Twitter: @RobynTbraley


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