Media Interviews

Media Interviews

Television, Radio, Podcast, Newspaper and Magazine Interviews. 

Robyn is available for interviews about branding, communication, political, or lifestyle topics. For 20 years he has been sought after by local and national media to analyze the body language of political leaders during election TV debates and celebrities at key events. 

Robyn is also a Rotarian committed to the ideal of volunteering. Click for Topics He can also talk about the benefits of community involvement.

Television Interviews

You Too Can be a Garage Sale Guru. Robyn on Calgary City TV Breakfast Television with Andrew Schulz, May, 2018.

Radio Interviews

Robyn speaks with Ted Henley, host of CHQR 770 AM/FM 107 about the body language implications of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's famous handshake with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  

Robyn Braley with Russell Bowers, host of CBC Radio's Daybreak Alberta. It's a 12-minute conversation about the social side of garage sales along with tips for success. July 3, 2021

You Too Can be a Garage Sale Guru, Robyn on 770 CHQR Morning News with Sue and Andy. April, 2021

Magazine/Newspaper Articles (Written by Robyn)

You Can be a Garage Sale Guru To
Kerby News, July, 2021 Edition
Full article with tips for staging a garage sale. 

Archives - Radio, TV, Magazine and Radio Interviews

Host Angela Kokot of NEWSTALK 770 talks to Robyn Braley about the history of radio and TV commercials and why they are still relevant today. Generated a high volumn of listener calls, texts and emails.

Global TV's Bindu Suri speaks with Robyn Braley about the work of Rotary and his Calgary West Club's Jubilee Anniversary. 

CBC Radio's Russell Bowers talks to Robyn Braley about the dangers of social media and why it is important. 

Bill Kaufmann of the Calgary Sun interviews Gail Williams about polio eradication in Africa and Robyn Braley about the Calgary West Rotary Club celebrating 50 years of service.

Robyn Braley talks to Kaitlin Lee on 660 NEWS about why bad behavior at the company Christmas Party can destroy your personal brand.

Metro News reporter Brodie Thomas talks to Robyn Braley about the economic impact on ticket sales for the Calgary West Rotary Club Stampede Parade Breakfast

630 CHED's Ryan Jesperson interviews Robyn Braley about what body language to look for in TV political debates.

Robyn Braley on NEWSTALK 770 explains why the retailer Target failed in Canada

The Calgary Herald interviews songwriter Robyn Braley about having one of his songs nominated for a national award.

Writer Peter Caufield interviews Robyn Braley about basic communications skills for the Journal of Commerce

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