Showing posts with label brand building. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brand building. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 January 2015

How to Build a Multi-Million Dollar Brand

Branding begins on the inside.
Written by Robyn T. Braley

Brands are built by delivering on promises to customers. Delivering on promises with continuity, consistency and predictability earns customer loyalty. It's at that point that a brand becomes sustainable.  

However, being predictable doesn't mean you are rigid and don’t adapt or respond to new opportunities or threats. Doing the same thing in the same way for too long can put you into a rut. And, a rut, as they say, is a grave with the ends kicked out. 

While a brand has meaning, it must also remain relevant year after year. As customer needs change, so must your company. Building your brand requires flexibility in order to stay relevant.

It's Not Always About the Logo

Your brand is what customers think it is! It's defined by how they feel about your company, product or service.

Our company, Unimark Creativedid marketing projects for an Alberta based drilling tool company. It was a startup in the true sense of the word. 

Two young men founded the company out of the back of an old half-ton truck. They stored  product on one side of a two-car garage. 

Forty years later the business had grown to become the dominant supplier within the Canadian and US drilling industry. The company was worth many millions of dollars.