Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Goal Setting? Think as if there is no box! Creative Problem Solving

Shake Loose Great Ideas That Will Change Your Future

Before reading this, you may want to quick scan my other posts in this series.

Think as if There is no Box
So, here we are! The big day has arrived. The team has checked into the hotel and the meeting room is prepared.

You want to find new ways to solve tired old problems! Your greatest hope is to come out of the two-day goal-setting session with ideas that will change the course of your company. The goal is to shake loose world-changing ideas.

I’ve used our method for various business and not-for-profit clients. I have also adapted it for use with focus groups with great success. 

  • Finding golden nuggets
  • Amazing creative solutions
  • Creative linking, transference
  • Ideas become “unstuck”
  • Jolting normal patterns of thinking

What am I talking about? I was introduced to Creative Problem Solving while teaching drama at a high needs Junior High School years ago. If you could cope with the daily challenges, it was a fun place to teach. As one teacher said, “I loved teaching there because the kids had “spunk! You never knew what was going to happen next!”

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Part 3 of 6: Goals Setting; Best Tips for Drafting A Winning Team

Chose The Right People for Goal Setting Success

Goal Setting Ideas to help you move your business to new levels of success.

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Part 1; Why Goal Setting; Part 2; Leaders Role Part 3; Drafting The Winning Team Part 4; A Location Where Anything Can Happen Part 5; Formula for Success Team Part 6; Implementing the Plan
Goal setting directly impacts branding, brand building and brand loyalty. A strong team will bring focus and creative synergy to the process.

It’s All About Team
When I organize goal setting sessions, I try to bring together a cross section of ages, genders, opinions and experiences. Ideally people who have good ideas, can communicate them well, and are comfortable participating in positive free flow discussions will be in the majority.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

What Role do Leaders Play in Company Goal Setting?

Checking Out Leader's Roles 

Goal setting will play a key role in growing a business. 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Part 1; Why Goal Setting, Part 2; The Leaders Role in Goal Setting, Choosing the Team Part 3; The Right Location for Goal Setting Part 4; Formula for Goal Setting Productivity Part 5; Action Plan 

Achieving Your Goals

In this post I focus on the role of leadership in building your brand through Goal Setting. When the economy is topsy turvey setting goals as a team will help bring focus and resolve. Identifying goals and implementing a plan to achieve them will equip your small business to hold steady in turbulent times.

Leaders Have to Be There
Believe it or not, I have known owners who chose not to participate in their own goal setting process. They said, “Let me know when you have something to show me.” 

By not participating, they removed themselves from the context in which the content - or goals – was created. Not participating set their company and them up, as the leader, for failure.  

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Part 1 of 5: Why Goal Setting Is Important for Small Businesses

Note to self! Why is goal setting important?

Ideas to help you move your business to new levels of success. 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Part 1; Why Goal Setting, Part 2; The Leaders Role in Goal Setting, Choosing the Team Part 3; The Right Location for Goal Setting Part 4; Formula for Goal Setting Productivity Part 5; Planning to Achieve Your Goals
2014 promises an economic surge in Canada. Identifying goals and implementing a plan to achieve them will equip your small business to maximize new opportunities. In this post I focus on why goal setting is an important element of brand-building.   
January is traditionally a time for reviewing the past, analyzing the present, and anticipating what will come in the months ahead. We usually come up with a list of goals and abandon them by March. But, hope alone will not make your business dreams real.
Dreamer To Achiever
A clear set of goals brings focus and purpose. They transform you from being a dreamer to an achiever. Goals and a plan to achieve them keep you and your team from being distracted.