Showing posts with label media relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media relations. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 November 2020

A Media Release is a Perfect Tool for Promoting Your Company News, New Product or Big Idea to All Media

The role of a Media Release in today's world of blended media!

Ideal for promoting across mainstream, online and social media platforms! Part 1 of 2.

Written by Robyn T. Braley

You have exciting news! Your company has just developed a revolutionary new product that will change thousands of lives. 

Your assignment is to have hundreds of thousands of people read, see and hear the life-changing news about your innovative new product. Should you choose to accept it, your assignment is to pitch the story to mainstream, online and social media so it can be published, broadcast and posted. 

How will you do this? I have a simple answer! Write a media release so well crafted that it will convince global media to tell your story to the masses! 

Friday, 7 February 2014

It's All About The Story; How Media Convergence Can Do Good Works

Traditional and New Media Convergence
Graph created by Unimark Creative 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Clients periodically ask how new media and traditional media can work together. I wrote this article about two successful Rotary media events that I managed which demonstrate the principle. It was published in the February edition of the Rotary District 5360 newsletter.

A few days before the Super Bowl some of the scheduled TV commercials showed up on YouTube. During the television broadcast, advertisers paid $3.5 million to access the record setting audience of more than 111 million viewers. Two hours after the game I received a link through LinkedIn taking me to the entire collection. 

We are officially into the age of media convergence. Actually, we've been there for a number of years. Traditional media, online media and social media have intersected in ways we couldn't have imagined even five years ago.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Crises Communication; Managing the Risk

When Lightning Strikes
Written by Robyn T. Braley

No matter how much time you spend creating a Crises Communication plan, you are never fully prepared when the unthinkable happens. 

You will never know how deeply the devastation can cut into your soul until it happens to you.

As you try to assess the degree to which your business has been destroyed while standing waist-deep in liquid filth, a crises communications plan may not be the first thing that comes to your mind.