Showing posts with label public relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public relations. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 November 2020

A Media Release is a Perfect Tool for Promoting Your Company News, New Product or Big Idea to All Media

The role of a Media Release in today's world of blended media!

Ideal for promoting across mainstream, online and social media platforms! Part 1 of 2.

Written by Robyn T. Braley

You have exciting news! Your company has just developed a revolutionary new product that will change thousands of lives. 

Your assignment is to have hundreds of thousands of people read, see and hear the life-changing news about your innovative new product. Should you choose to accept it, your assignment is to pitch the story to mainstream, online and social media so it can be published, broadcast and posted. 

How will you do this? I have a simple answer! Write a media release so well crafted that it will convince global media to tell your story to the masses! 

Friday, 31 July 2015

Tips For Bootstrapping Your Business With Broken Laces

Tips for boot strapping a start-up

10 Tips for Starting a Business from Scratch

Written by Robyn T Braley

Now is not a great time to be thinking about starting a business. We are officially using the “R” word in Canada. 

In January, 2015, oil prices dropped like a rock into a thick puddle of porridge! 

Later that same year those who were laid-off were running out of their employment insurance benefits. Most have been diligently working their networks and submitting resume’s by the hundreds to no avail.

Some are able to find employment is other parts of the country or even the world where their skills and abilities are in demand. For others, reasons like family eliminate moving as an option.

So, what now? At this point some are deciding to start a business. They do it for one of two reasons
  1. As an act of desperation as there are no other income options.
  2. To seize an opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream.