Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 July 2021

11 Power Reads Just for You. Top Brandit Posts for 2020/2021! +BONUS

11 great summer reads for summer relaxation.

I love helping people! In fact, I can truly say that helping others is one reason I get up in the morning.

There is no doubt the world of COVID turned lives upside down. Our family was forced to separate geographically due to dramatic changes in the economy.

I know company owners whose businesses thrived during COVID. They were able to pivot quickly to making PPE early into the lockdown.

But, as time progressed, they lost employees due to the disease and were hit by severe raw product shortages. So, if you weren't negatively impacted in some way, you were fortunate.

A Time for Learning

Many used COVID time as growing time. The forced quarantine was a time to learn. I am grateful that more people have read my Brandit posts and engaged with my content on Twitter and LinkedIn than ever before.

Top 11 Posts

Below are the most-read Brandit posts of 2020-2021 for you to enjoy once again. If you enjoy reading them, please comment.

While the numbers are gratifying, I appreciate most the telephone calls, emails, or blog comments from readers like you.

I've also received personal comments during social occasions, which is so cool. The conversation usually gravitates to blogging in general and analytics in particular. Below are the basics.

Thursday, 31 October 2019

How to Build Resilient Relationships in a World of Toxic Negativity

Forming relationships should be based on character, personality and common
interests. Not on skin colour, country, age, gender, wealth or level of education. 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Did your relationships languish during COVID-19? Me too! Maintaining friendships by Zoom or Facetime only went so far.

We learned that forming relationships is one thing. Maintaining and developing them is another.

It takes thoughtful action guided by genuine caring to form life-long friendships. One of the greatest challenges to maintaining strong relationships during the pandemic was the mental state you were in. 

Being confined to your house and not allowed to go out took a toll. Addictions soared and the dark cloud of depression settled on many. Some gave up.  

Meeting together in Zoomland didn't cut it. It was better than nothing but not by much. We heard the term Zoom fatigue as video conferences became boring and predictable.